
Shipping to Barbados, DAVIS couldn’t decide which option. I helped him choose.

publish:2024-08-26 15:38:26   author :Alice    views :298
Alice publish:2024-08-26 15:38:26  

In August 2020, I received an order from DAVIS to ship goods from Shenzhen, China, to Barbados. The shipment included electronics, integrated circuits, high-speed industrial motors, and more. With so many different items, I was worried about labeling issues, so I personally drove to the Shenzhen warehouse to supervise the sorting, labeling, and packing process. The next step was choosing the best shipping method.air freight to barbados

For shipping to Barbados, Sunny Worldwide Logistics could offer DAVIS several options. For example, there were airlines like Panama Airlines, Chile Airlines, AA Airlines, UA Airlines, or routes through Mexico. These options vary in service and timing, with costs ranging from $8.6 to $11.4 per kilogram. Some services, like AA Airlines, are faster, flying directly from China to Los Angeles or Miami, and then to Barbados. Other options, like QT or UC, take longer as they fly south to Australia or New Zealand, then to Argentina, and finally to Barbados. There’s also the European route, flying from China to Madrid, Spain, and then to Barbados.shipping to Barbados

With so many options, it’s easy for someone like DAVIS, who isn’t an expert, to feel overwhelmed. That’s where we come in. Sunny Worldwide Logistics has been in the business for 26 years, so we’re very familiar with the different airlines, their services, costs, and the strengths of each route. Every airline has its strong and weak routes. Once DAVIS told me his needs, I customized a plan that offered the best value for money, selecting the most suitable airline and service.shipping to Barbados

When planning a shipment to Barbados or anywhere else, I typically provide my clients with three options: a top choice and two backups. Based on my years of experience, I also recommend the best option and explain why. This is where a salesperson’s skill and experience come into play. At Sunny Worldwide Logistics, our salespeople have been in the field for 7-8 years and are very experienced. You might have encountered other logistics companies that offer several options but only list them out without giving any real recommendations due to a lack of experience. We make sure to explain the options in simple terms, like “this airline has fast delivery and stable service,” so that clients can easily understand. The backup plans are there just in case the top choice faces any unexpected issues.air freight to barbados

I remember handling a shipment for Huawei to South America worth $40 million. We usually shipped via Country A, but due to international issues at the time, there was a risk of the goods being held up, so we had to consider other options. We ended up using a European route. We found a logistics company through WCA (World Cargo Alliance) that had been in the business for over 20 years, just like us. The owner, who was in his 50s, was clearly very experienced. We had multiple video conferences to discuss all the details, and he even gave us a virtual tour of their company. It was a large, well-organized company, and they proposed three different routes from Europe to South America. After several meetings, we ironed out all the details and potential risks. Thanks to the combined efforts of both our companies, the goods arrived in South America without any issues. This was a milestone in Sunny Worldwide Logistics’ history, made possible by our membership in several valuable logistics associations.shipping to Barbados

Many well-known logistics associations have high annual fees—some over $10,000 per year—and only large logistics companies qualify to join. Becoming a WCA member not only requires paying the fee but also meeting certain criteria, such as being an independent freight forwarding company with a certain scale and experience, and adhering to WCA’s ethical and business standards. Members must also comply with WCA’s rules and actively participate in their activities and meetings. These requirements ensure that WCA members provide high-quality services and adhere to industry standards, promoting the healthy development of the international freight forwarding industry.shipping to Barbados

Sunny Worldwide Logistics also has its own exclusive foreign trade warehouse at Yantian Port—one of only three out of 60,000 peers in Shenzhen. We own a 1,800 square meter Grade A office building, ranking among the top three in the industry, and have our own fleet of container trucks, something only 10% of companies in our industry have. If you need any assistance, feel free to contact me anytime.air freight to barbados

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Shenzhen Sunny Worldwide Logistics Co., Ltd.
Email: alice@swwlogistics.com.cn
Phone : +86-139-2347-9243
Address : Room 806, Block B, Rongde Times Square, Henggang Street, Longgang District, Shenzhen, China
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